Monday, 12 February 2007

#112 Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg L.P.)

Name: Michael Bloomberg
Fortune: Self Made (Bloomberg L.P.)
Net Worth: 5.1 Billion
Industry: Media/Entertainment
Billionaire World Rank: #112

Book: Bloomberg by Bloomberg Rate:
Price: $12.37 - Buy Now At

From Forbes:
"Will Mayor Mike make Ross Perot jealous? The media mogul mused in his 1997 memoir that he'd make a great "mayor, governor or president." This year named one of America's 5 best mayors by Time. Spent $70 million to win office in 2001 but tightened purse strings for reelection bid by $20 million. Last year donated $140 million to charity. The giving is easy when business is booming: revenue from his data terminals up 12% amid hedge fund boom."

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